"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Ақкөл ауданы  бойынша білім бөлімі Ақкөл қаласының Кеңес Одағының Батыры Петр Михайлович Исаков атындағы №1 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесіне
КГУ «Общеобразовательная школа №1 имени Исакова Петра Михайловича, Героя Советского Союза города Акколь отдела образования по Аккольскому району управления образования Акмолинской области»

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Polylinguism is considered as an important direction of development of mankind for a long time to realize. Today it is impossible to imagine that somewhere else there are some countries, people who owned only one language. And in reality, there are no civilized countries, where only one nation lives. For the normal functioning of any multinational state formation is very important bilingualism and polylinguism. Kazakhstan as a prosperous state, which tends to take a definite place in the world arena. The country’s development largely depends on the level of education of its citizens. Our country is multi-ethnic, and its state problem –

issues of language in society. Firstly, the problems relate to the use of languages in formal and informal communication, language teaching in schools

and universities and in the relations between nations. The aim of education at the present stage it is not only knowledge, but also the formation of key competencies, which should give pupils the possibility of free movement for the future of the society. They include the ability to

communicate orally and in writing, it assumes ownership of several languages. In our country we implemented a unique project initiated by the Head of the

State – the trinity of languages. The purpose of the project is to hold three languages competently: Kazakh as the state language; Russian is the language of

interethnic communication, and English as the international language.. Nowadays, a lot attention paid to state language, as it is the native language

of the Kazakh people, history and culture transmitted for centuries. The role of the Russian language is also important for the citizens of our country.
As we live in an era of innovation, progress, global modernization, the current generation of Kazakhstan tries to keep up with changes in the world. And so,

the task of the President to approach international cooperation, thus learn the language spoken by the larger population of the planet. Polylinguism – the major direction of culture of interethnic communication. The man, who knows not only the native language but also the languages of other people, is able to communicate with more people, to take up the material and spiritual wealth worked out by native speakers of other people. In the message the President of Kazakhstan to the people in 2007, “New Kazakhstan in the new world,”, N.A. Nazarbayev noted that in order to ensure the competitiveness of the country and its citizens proposed phased implementation of the cultural project “Trinity of languages”, according to which we need to develop three languages: Kazakh as the state language, Russian as the language of interethnic communication, and English as the language of successful integration into the global economy.
According to the President NursultanNazarbayev “Kazakhstan is unique and powerful by its multinational. A unique multicultural space was formed on its

land. Polyculture of Kazakhstan is a progressive factor in the development of society. Eurasian roots of Kazakhstan people allow to connect the Eastern,

Asian, Western, European flows and create Kazakhstan’s unique version of polyculture”. On behalf of the President, since 2013, there was introduced learning English from the 1st grade the republic’s schools. The new education model will be built on three languages. The Head of State puts the task to the people of

Kazakhstan in the short term. Polycultural education in Kazakhstan at the moment is one of the most important Polylingual person is a person who speaks, understands and is able to use a foreign language in various situations of communication. If you study a foreign language it does not mean that you get

a good education. We can talk about multilingual education when other academic subjects are taught in foreign languages. Only the state can be

successfully developed and is been harmonically in a number of leading countries of the world that is able to create for its citizens decent working

conditions for the acquisition of high-quality and modern education.

Shabikenova D.B.,ASS№1

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